Thursday, August 03, 2006

The Impatient Evangelist

One of my roles as a part of Journey, our church plant, is to continually wave the banner for servant evangelism. God has a funny way of getting us to look at the things He wants us to see, I think! I've felt "trapped" in an all to "Christian bubble" for far too long and, as I long to see His Kingdom on earth increase, am looking for ways to extend my influence and better understand evangelism. So now, I'm the one to be encouraging evangelism at Journey and here I am learning myself. Funny, huh!? And yet altogether right as God is teaching me. I've been hunting for articles and such to read and get different opinions. Today an interesting one called "The impatient Evangelist" from Focus on the Family dropped into my inbox. It's a good read to get started on. I'm hoping my Journey family will read it too and let me know what they think. I appreciate feedback (hint, hint).

1 comment:

Dayna Chu said...

"It's a nice idea" says it all eh? NICE... such a vanilla word. Thanks for sharing this article, Stacey, it has challenged me.