Monday, October 02, 2006

A Passion for Fullness

That's what I've been longing for lately. Peace. Joy. Rest. The abundant life. Instead I feel this restlessness. Like there's more to life than what I'm living. Like this life, as it is, is not enough. I don't mean to be ungrateful or grumpy but I just feel like there HAS to be more. My prayers have been for this abundance that Christ has promised us - not for a "happy" life or for even better circumstances but for the ability to live a life of joy as Christ intends for me. Chocolate can't provide that (although it is a nice distraction from time to time). All of that is just a preface to the real post going on here. Check out what I read as I was getting ready for the day today:

"God's purpose in pouring His holiness toward us through His Son and by His Spirit, is to save us:

to restore all that has been eaten away by the locusts of sin;

to refill all that has been eroded by the streams of unrighteousness;

to rebuild all that has been broken down by the destructiveness of hell's operations;

to recover all that has been decayed by the works of the flesh."

(from A Passion for Fullness)

Restore to me the joy of Your salvation, and uphold me by Your generous Spirit.
Psalm 51:12

That's both a prayer and a promise of which I can be assured!

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