Friday, February 02, 2007

Generosity a la Gridblog

Hmmm...generosity. What to say about generosity?

So I've been thinking about this a lot actually but just can't seem to get started. Let's see what our trusty friend, Wikipedia, has to say about it. Hmmm....the habit of giving. Now there's a place to start! I like that: the habit of giving. I want to live that the habit of giving.

I love giving little gifts, thoughtful gifts, that let the recipient know that I'm thinking of them. I enjoy sharing food and meals with people in need. I love the (rare) opportunity to share of my finances. I wish I could do more in that area. See, I used to think that generosity was about money and things but I'm realizing it's about a lot more than that. I used to, in the mindset that it's about material giving, feel like I didn't have anything to give.

But I do!

It's the habit of giving, not the stuff that I'm giving. It's about the mindset, the attitude, and the lifestyle that invades giving.

A listening ear.
My experience.
My home...hospitality.
Kind words.

There is so much more than "stuff" that I can give and I will to give. I'm blessed to have some great people around me that inspire me with their generosity. They give in a multitude of ways. They bless me by their goodness and by their generosity. They encourage me to live a life that is infused with the habit of giving. They help point me to our Savior, the giver of all good gifts, who lives the habit of giving.


Sheryl said...

I am constantly humbled by the generosity of friends. I hope (and desperately pray) that I am generous in spirit back to them and to the others that don't seem quite so generous!

Anonymous said...

An old quote that I love (but don't know where it's from... maybe a former pastor of mine?) is: "those who don't share their hotdogs when they're poor, won't share their steaks when they're rich." I often add... "or they won't have steaks to share!" because the Word tells us that those who are not faithful with the little things, will not be trusted with the bigger things (paraphrase of Luke 16:10-13).

Sheryl, you hit it though eh? It is so easy to be generous to those we love, and those generous to us. Ouch... I echo your prayer (in humble confession)!

Stacey Sparshu Miller said...

Totally true, guys! Thanks.

I've thought about the "he who is faithful with little" thing a lot lately. It's some of what has brought me to the realization that it's not all about money. It's a part but not the whole. It's why tithing is important to me maintaining a good view of money - giving back generously of what has been given generously to me. It's why looking at the rest of what I have to give is important...and why giving it is even more important. Its why I'm trying to be consistent about checking my attitude. Why service is important to me. Why I'm considering donating blood -"it's in you to give" - something I've never done before. It's why living a life that is characterized by the HABIT of generosity is becoming more and more important to me...but I've got such a long way to go! I hate the process part...I wish I was just good at it now!

Stephen said...

It must be like a sport. You only get good with practise. I've participated in this gridblog so I won't go through it all here. What I will say is I've also been thinking about donating blood, but haven't gone to the first practise yet. There was a clinic at CMU, but I was gone in SK at the time. It's so hard to get a habit going.

Maybe we should set up an accountability blog to encourage each other in our quests.