Sunday, April 03, 2011

I realize that I have taken a significant break in my posting. Oh sure, there's been bits and pieces here and there, feeble attempts at continuing what I started years ago, but nothing like I used to. I miss it. I really do.

I've been inspired recently by some of the great blogs that I've been reading. There's some people out there that really know what they're doing. I feel like some of them are writing the blog I wish I could keep. They record their family adventures, cooking adventures, creative knitting projects, moments in life captured in photographic genius and deep questions and ponderings on some of life's deepest things, particularly things surrounding faith, church and how it all collides together to impact life in deep and meaningful ways. Yes, the blog I wish I was writing.

Today I spent a bit of time perusing some of the posts from years gone by and have been reminded - yes, again - about how much fun I've had writing about the things that make up my life; deep things, trivial things and everything in between. I'm trying to get back in the habit. I'd like to say that it's because life is busy but if you know me at all, you know it's always been busy. So I'm working on it. Working on getting back in the habit of reflecting, sharing and living a life worth writing about ;)

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